Have you ever felt out of place before? We’d be lying if we said we haven’t as I believe this is a relatable feeling. I know what this is like and can remember several occasions where I didn’t quite fit in.

When I was in college, I wanted to be a missionary in Africa. I studied Bible & Religion and Business and dreamed of living there full-time, becoming a part of their culture. In my classes, I had fellow classmates that fit the mold of what you think a missionary would be and look like. Let’s just say, I didn’t quite fit that mold, and gave those classes some spice. 

My first year in my major classes, I felt out of place. I didn’t have the same church background that they had, and I asked every uncomfortable question about religion to get the answers I needed. At first, I felt uncomfortable, because of my differences. But, what I found is that I met the needs of people that my classmates didn’t. I may not be the norm but neither is every person in this world.

The same goes with dry pedicures. In a room full of nail techs who have used water for their pedicures for their whole career, you better believe I am out of place.I believe dry pedicures are for everyone, but that just isn’t realistic in our industry. I appeal to a section of people, and you know what? That’s ok. 

I have found that what makes you different is what makes you unique! Once you can recognize and appreciate your differences, it’s actually going to help you to fuel your passions. When you find clients that can appreciate your art and skills for what it is, now that’s magic!

It’s ok to not do nail art that appeals to every person.

It’s ok if your personality doesn’t appeal to every client.

It’s ok if you don’t fit the mold of a “typical” nail tech or beauty pro. 

Find the right clients for YOU instead of trying to be the right beauty pro for everyone. 

Being able to find your niche is going to make your business grow in a way that fills your pocket, but also your passions too! In finding your niche, here is a plan that helps to get you started:

  • Discover what you are most passionate about. Make a list of the services you enjoy doing currently. Think about what sets you a part from other nail techs in your area. Is it the nail art you do? Is it the products you are using? Is it a specific technique that you use that clients are looking for? Narrow down what you are offering to your clients right now that gets you excited. 

  • Identify who your target audience is. Ask yourself “who is my ideal client?”. If you could choose who walked in the door, who would that be? Visualize and write down what they look like and what they are needing help with.

  • Name your client’s problem you are solving. What exactly are you helping your client with? If you can solve a problem for a client, you are able to narrow down your niche much easier.

  • Try it out! It’s time to put your passions into practice. Narrow down your new and existing clients that understand your brand and fit into your niche. It can be scary to do this as you want to keep a steady client base, but I promise your client load will increase once you narrow down what you offer. Simplifying your business helps clients to focus on what truly matters.

  • Are you currently trying to find your niche or need help doing this? We have a community who is ready to rally behind you and support you. Let us help you find your niche so you can live in your passions!
    July 25, 2022 — Erica Schlabach

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