Change is scary, can be uncomfortable and challenges you to explore new parts of yourself and possibilities. Here we are, excited to officially announce the next phase of Inner Beauty Growth (IBG) that we have been working on this past year…the IBG Inner Circle Membership plan. 

This membership plan includes access to ten of IBG’s online courses, first access to new courses, monthly member meet-ups, exclusive access to the Inner Circle community to connect with other members and VIP access to email content from me and certified coaches.

Inner Beauty Growth officially launched in September 2021 and was a huge leap of faith for me and my team. Though I’ve been through many changes when I purchased Erica’s ATA almost 8 years ago, I had a familiar foundation with knowing the product and an established audience that my dad had introduced me to within his professional career. 

Starting a new sister company has been amazing, full of growth opportunities, and well…uncomfortable, scary and challenging. Changes have not stopped us from putting ourselves out there, trying things, pivoting, trying some other new things, and learning how to bring the support beauty pros want and need. 

We often talk about IBG being like a baby who we needed to birth out in the world, without knowing the exact ins and outs or what the future would hold, but trusting that this would offer something beautiful, needed and the support those in the industry are craving. 

Creating an ongoing community who is real, honest, non-toxic and fully there for you is exactly what the subscription plan offers. We don’t want to be just another company that claims to do one thing, but actually doesn’t deliver. The Inner Circle Membership Plan allows us to continually connect and is an affordable and accessible way for you to…

  • Receive accountability on the goals you’ve set
  • Gain education and tools on how to be the healthiest you
  • Surround yourself with a growth-minded community who challenges and supports you

Don’t let fear hold you back in becoming the best version of you. IBG is here to support you and cheer you on every step of the way! Join us!

Subscribe to our newsletter here!

For more information, check out www.innerbeautygrowth or contact Kate Habegger at

June 27, 2022 — Kate Habegger

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