explore color

Luxio + Kokoist

Create the cleanest canvas

Diamond Bits

your favorites, all in one place

Our Most Loved Items

have the fastest removals in town

Carbide Bits

Must-Have Bits for every Nail Tech

The Essentials Kit

Color Curator

We've created a toolbox full of colorful fun that will ease the pressure you feel when your clients come in asking what colors & art-work are popular. We'll do the leg work so you can deliver the ultimate vibe check to your clients! 💅

New to E-Filing?

Let Erica teach you some of the basic do's and do not's of electric filing!

Ready to get started?

Learn from the Best!

Enhance your services with exceptional e-file work by becoming a certified dry manicurist. We offer in-person education at our home base in Ohio, as well as across the US. Come learn with us today!