Nails like this may seem a little intimidating. But don't worry, I got you! I'm going to share the best pedicure tools for wellness and cosmetic services!

I start off dry pedicure services with a 'toe hug' where I gently squeeze the big toe and ask the client, "how does that feel?" This will indicate just how tender that area is. 

If it is tender for the client, I spray Podoexpert Callus Softener which will help to break down the dead skin cells and make sidewall cleaning easier and more comfortable for the client. 



Using Boss Lady Ingrown Nail Nippers, cut the toenails edge to edge. Don't leave a little nail spike because that may lead to becoming an ingrown nail- yikes! Not sure what a nail spike is? Check out the video above and I'll show you exactly what it is.

Then I clean the sidewalls with the Boss Lady Pedi Excavator to remove any debris impacted in the lateral folds. This is the most satisfying part for me! It's like digging for treasure, right?!

To shape the free edge of the toenail I use a diamond hand file (in medium). Fun fact: we've been making these files for 30+ years right here in Sunbury, Ohio! 

This nail was pretty involuted so I also used the Boss Lady Pedi Rasp to reduce the side of the nail to keep it from growing down into the skin.

Lastly, I used the diamond Unicorn bit (in medium) to exfoliate the dead cuticle on and around the toenail. This step really enhances the aesthetics of any dry pedicure service!

This client stated that her toenail has always been thick and yellow so I recommended using Podoexpert Healthy Nail on her toenail daily. This FDA cleared product strengthens and remineralizes brittle nails that are prone to fungal infection. 

Try my process on your next dry pedicure and let me know how it goes in the comments below!



April 07, 2022 — Erica Schlabach


Mary Gay said:

I would like to know what kit for dry pedicure and nails?

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